对schema含义的理解_The cognition of Schema's meaning

在xml开发,数据库开发,w3c的规范文档中出现最多的一个单词是schema,其翻译过来的意思是:模式,计划,图解,概要.但在开发过程中, 个人感觉它似乎还有模板,语言规范,方案的意思.所以仔细的查了一下,在wiki当中有很详细的说明:The word schema comes from the Greek word “σχήμα” (skhēma), which means shape, or more generally, plan.原文如下:

The word schema comes from the Greek word “σχήμα” (skhēma), which means shape, or more generally, plan. The plural is “σχήματα” (skhēmata). In English, both schemas and schemata are used as plural forms.

Schema may refer to:

  • Model (abstract)
  • Diagram

    • Schematic, a diagram that represents the elements of a system using abstract, graphic symbols
      In computer science:
  • XML schema, a way to define the structure, content and, to some extent, the semantics of XML documents

  • Database schema
  • Schema (genetic algorithms), a set of programs or bit strings that have some genotypic similarity ; usually specified by a template
  • Axiom schema, a rule describing a set of statements in formal logic
    In science:

  • Schema (Kant), in philosophy the referencing of a category to a sense impression through time

  • Schema (psychology), a mental set or representation
  • Image schema, a recurring pattern of spatial sensory experience
  • SCHEMA (bioinformatics), an algorithm used in protein engineering to identify fragments of proteins that can be recombined without disturbing the integrity of the proteins’ three-dimensional structure
    In Electrical Engineering:

  • Electrical schematic, a wiring diagram of an electrical circuit
    Schema may also refer to:

  • Great Schema, a degree of Orthodox monasticism

  • Stereotype, a set of associated behaviors
    schema来自希腊语”σχήμα” (skhēma),意思是模型,形式,或更普遍来说,计划.复数形式是”σχήματα” (skhēmata).在英语中,schemas和schemata用作复数形式.


XML schema:一种定义结构,内容,在一定程度上,xml文档的语义.
Database schema
image schema:一种空间感觉体验的循环模式


Great Schema:正统修道院制度的一个等级.

CSS :after通用clear方案的分析










/ display:inline-block;用来出发ie下的haslayout属性 /

  • html .clearfix{height:1%;}

/ height:1%;用来触发ie6的haslayout /

CSS面向对象实现使用EL表达式来管理css对象_CSSOO use java EL manage css objects

之前为了让css高度重用,所以我使用自定义标签来管理css对象,现在为了更方便,所以直接使用java EL表达式(Expression Language)来管理越来越多的css对象,页面标签的class属性值被写在了properties配置文件里面,EL表达式负责读取与其对应的 class属性值.

所以在java web的页面中,class属性可以这样写:

<a href=”#”>
<img src=”images/logo.png” width=”200” height=”70” alt=”logo image”/>
<span>websit logo</span>
<p>web site introduction</p>
<li><a href=”#”>link</a></li>
<li><a href=”#”>link</a></li>
<li><a href=”#”>link</a></li>


logo = logo displayBlock overflowHide
logolink = displayBlock textDecNone positionR
logoText = logoText positionA overflowHide
menuNav = menuNav positionR listStyleNo displayBlock last
menuItem = menuItem left positionR


CSS 面向对象结构图

[caption id=”” align=”alignnone” width=”600”]CSS面向对象结构图 CSS面向对象结构图[/caption]



哈佛积极心理学的笔记_Harvard positive psychology note



To create a bridge between Ivory tower and mainstreet.


We need to value much more the human being.We need to give much more dignity and freedom to the person.


Because it’s not just information that determines our wellbeing,our success,our self-esteem,our motivational level,the relationship and the quality of our relationships.

世界各地很多人似乎拥有了一切,但仍旧不快乐.而另一些人拥有的不多,但从未中断,从未停止享受人生. 但也有相反的情况. 拥有一切的人充满感恩享受生活,生活窘迫的人觉得自己是受害者.

We know of many people around the world who seemingly have everything,And yet they are unhappy.And then there are people around the world who have very little.And yet they never cease,never stop to celebrate life.And we have another way around as well.People who have everything and appreciate it and enjoy life.People who have very little and who see themselves as victim.


In other words, it’s not just the information that goes in. It’s also the shape, the interpretation, the perception, the focus.


Happiness is much more contingent on our state of mind than our status or the state of our bank account.


what we’ll do is uncover potential that we have inside, that we have inside of us all along.

凿除多余石块,也就是摆脱限制,阻碍,或者对失败的恐惧,这些并不是与生俱来的,但如今却出现在大多数人身上.要凿除伤害我们的完美主义.凿除胜利 的能力,因为我们可能害怕胜利.可能对生命中一些东西感到内疚.这些反过来会限制我们,也许甚至还要凿除两性关系中的限制,尤其是带来消极面的时候.这些 就是本课程的主要内容.

It’s about chipping away the excess stone. It’s about getting rid of limitations, of barriers, whether it’s the fear of failure, something that we didn’t have as kids. But today most people in our culture have it. It’s about chipping away perfectionism that is debilitating and often hurts us. It’s about chipping away our ability for success, because maybe we are afraid of success. Maybe we feel guilty about some of the things that we have in our life, and that in turn limits us. Maybe it’s about chipping away the limitations on our relationships in while we don’t thrive within them.


Information in and of itself is simply not enough. It’s not enough and what we need in addition to our information highway is a transformation highway. Transformation high way, or transformation back roads, to come through the fast increasing pace. Because as we’ll talk about next time, rates of depression are on the rise, rates of anxiety are on the rise, not just in this country, globally. It’s literally global epidemic. And to deal with it, more information will just not do. Just not enough.


Here is Archibald MacLeish. He was a poet, was a Harvard professor, “What is wrong is not the great discoveries of science– information is always better than ignorance, no matter what information or what ignorance. What is wrong is the belief behind the information, the belief that information will change the world. It won’t.”


Abraham Maslow continues, “Humanistic philosophy offers a new conception of learning, of teaching, and of education. Stated simply, such a concept holds that the function of education,the goal of education— the human goal, the humanistic goal, the goal so far as human beings are concerned— is ultimately the “self-actualization” of a person, the becoming fully human, the development of the fullest height that the human species can stand up to or that the particular individual can come to.

That “Be all you can be.” This is what the class is about.

Two and two things along mattered in terms of determining who will be the extraordinarily successful and the rest: the first thing was the extraordinarily successful groups really believe in themselves. They thought they could do well. They were driven. They were motivated. And we’ll talk about it in future lecture as belief in self-fulfilling prophecies. They thought “I’m going to make it. I’m going to succeed.” That’s the first thing. The sense of the confidence. The second thing that he found was this group, they were always asking questions, –always asking questions, initially of their boss, later of their employees, of their partners, children, parents, friends. They were always asking question. They were always at the state of curiosity.

幸福存在于一个连续统一体,幸福是一生的追求 Happiness resides on a continuum.Happiness is lifelong pursuit.



The mean age for depression today is less than 15. Kids at very young age are introduced to the “information highway”. And very often, they are not prepared, not able to deal with it in an effective way. So when we look at this data, we say we do need more research to help people overcome depression, to help people overcome anxiety.

除了信心和意义感,社会行为 帮助他人,从无助到有益,它们都非常重要,我们要讨论的是帮助他人是意义,并且它不仅仅是在帮助别人,其也在帮助自己.我们便进入了自助和帮助他人的上升式螺旋里.因为我们帮助他人时也在帮助自己.

In addition to the faith and sense of meaning, pro-social behavior, helping other people, shifting from helplessness to helpfulness, they were significant. One of the things that we’ll talk about is how meaningful it is to help other people. And how much it doesn’t just only help others, it also helps us. And we enter an upward spiral between self-help and other-help. Because when we help others, we are helping ourselves.


They focused on their strength rather than primarily deficiencies.


Questions create reality. They create possibilities.A question begins a quest.

人们大多问自己”我的缺点是 什么?我需要提高什么?”经常忽视”我的长处是什么? 我的优点? 我擅长什么?”但如果仅仅是问我们自己”我的弱点是什么?不足?”那么我们只会看到自己的不足和缺点.在我们看来,那些好的事物-我们的强项,我们的热 情,优点–这些我们身上美好的事物并不存在.就像你们关注的,公交上没有小孩.

People mostly ask themselves, “what are my weaknesses? What do I need to improve?” Very often to the exclusion of “what are my strengths? What are my virtues? What am I good at?” And if the only question that we ask ourselves are the only questions that are “what are my weaknesses? Deficiencies?”, then the only thing we’ll see in ourselves are weaknesses and deficiencies. And as far as we are concerned, the good things– our strengths, our passions, our virtues– the wonderful things within us do not exist. Just like as far as you are concerned, the children on the bus did not exist.


Questions create reality. The questions we ask very often determine the quest that we will pursue, the path that we will take, the life that we will lead, whether it’s individually, whether it’s interpersonally, whether it’s organizationally.


What would happen to a seed– seed is potential– flower, tree– what would happen to a seed, if it is not watered, if no light is shed on it? It will wither and die.


The exact same thing with human potential. If we don’t water it, if we don’t shed a light on it, it will wither and die. The same with interpersonal relationship potential. If we don’t– we’ll talk a lot about relationships: how to cultivate healthy long-term relationships– if you don’t water it, if you don’t shed light, if you don’t appreciate the good, the good will depreciate.


人们舒适地麻木,舒适地麻木.是不够的,我们怎样超越舒适的麻木?我们怎样超越沉默的压抑? 得到振奋,快乐,幸福?为了达到这些,我们需要去经营这些情感因素.再说一次,幸福不会自动的出现,也不是没有痛苦就会幸福.

“people are comfortably numb”. Comfortably numb. Not enough. How can we get beyond that “comfortably numb”? How can we get beyond that “quiet desperation”? To excitement, to joy, to happiness? In order to do that, we need to cultivate these traits. Once again, they don’t spontaneously emerge once the painful experiences go away. And that is why we need positive psychology.


Positive psychology essentially focuses on the health model, Salutogenesis. What is the source of health, physical, psychological, emotional? How do we get people to flourish, intellectually, emotionally, psychologically, interpersonally, intra-personally? How do we get them to thrive beyond just getting rid of what is not working in their lives?


Let’s help them identify something meaningful in their life, their passion. And that’s how we will, over time, also help what comes off on the negative side.


And what struck me most about conversations that I had, either in Leverett or other houses, were students is their sense of mission, your sense of mission, your desire to do good, to make the world a better place.

“How can I make this world a better place?” Passionate. Idealistic. Good– in the deep sense, good. This desire to make a difference come into just about all students.



All change begins in the mind of single person or a small group.” And then it expands. Now the question is “how does it expand” and “why is it so difficult for us to understand, accept, assimilate and live according to the fact that we can make a difference, if we understand that what we need to understand is how change happens. Change happens exponentially. Our connection to other people and their connection to others and so and so create an exponential function which explains for an example– that those of you are familiar with– “butterfly effect” how a butterfly flapping its wings in Singapore can theoretically cause a tornado in Florida. Because on particle hits another and another and another.


Pay it forward,is it possible let one idea to change the world.


The permission to be human

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; the courage to change the things I can change; and wisdom to know the difference.


But what I am saying is that we all need a space, a place in our own lives where we give ourselves the permission to be human, whether it’s with close friends, people we care about, whether it’s first and foremost with ourselves when we write a journal, where we do give ourselves the permission to be, to cry, to be joyous– because if we don’t, we pay a price.

Psychological immune system will become stronger. And that means not that we don’t get ill. It means we get ill less often and when we do get sick, we’ll recover more promptly. The difference between the extremely happy people and extremely unhappy people is not that one gets sad, of upset, or anxious, or depressed; and the other does not. Both groups do. It’s how quickly, how promptly we can recover from these painful emotions.


Because happiness is contagious. If I’m happier, I’m more likely to contribute to other people’s happiness and wellbeing. Being happy, in other words, is also a moral state in the sense of actually contributing to other people’s wellbeing.

people, those of us who are alive, who work on happiness, who experience the vicissitude of life– the ups and downs– but overall work on happiness and become happier and happier, have better relationships, more generous, more accepting of other people, more tolerant of other people as well as themselves.

because helping others also helps ourselves.

“Be the change you want to see in the world.” This is how you bring about change.

But ultimately, the best way, the optimal way spreading happiness is to work on your own happiness, because then you are leading by example.


Belief as Self-Fulfilling Prophecies


So motivation makes a difference. There is another thing though, in addition to motivation, and that is the notion of consistency or congruence.

Let’s look at the optimist now. The optimist starts with high levels of beliefs, high levels of expectations, motivation,incredibly high. The mind looking for

consistency, performance, not so good, not as good as the expectations were. In other words, unrealistic. However, the interpretation, because of high levels of beliefs, the subjective interpretation is, OK, so, what if I learn from it? This is an opportunity;

I’ve actually got better this time. What if I learn? And they still have high levels of beliefs and high levels of expectations.

It’ll be very hard for you to find successful men and women through out history who did not have all three. Optimism, belief, faith that they can do well, that they can succeed. Passion, love for what they were doing. And hard work.


So how do we become more of an optimism? I want to talk about three techniques. First is to take action, to just do it, to put ourselves on the line. visualization, many of you are familiar with that, especially athletes as, as a technique. And finally, cognitive therapy, which at least according to research, is the most successful, most effective therapeutic intervention out there today.

One of the things that I wish for you is that you fail more. And, coupled with that, I hope that when you fail, you will also learn to interpret it in a different way than most of us usually interpret failure. there is no other way for growth.

When we see ourselves cope, when we see ourselves work hard, we derive conclusions about ourselves, our self confidence goes up, our motivation goes up, our belief goes up and so on and so on in an upward spiral of growth. that comes inevitably when we cope, when we try, when we have high expectations. Not to dare is to lose oneself, Because this model also works the other way around. When we constantly avoid challenges, when we constantly shone difficult experiences, a downward spiral is created, in terms of our self esteem, in terms of our success, in terms of our well being.

In other words, if I create success in my imagination and I persist with it, not just visualize it once or twice, but over and over again, And therefore, it will bring up the external reality to match this internal schema.

And what cognitive therapy is about is the following. Its basic premise is that thoughts drive emotion. there is an external event. I perceive that event, and what I do then after I perceive that event, there is evaluation of that event, in other words, a thought about that event. And then, as a result of that thought, that evokes an emotion.

Looking at the 10 per cent of the happiest people out there, people that we can learn from. And what they found was very interesting.

First of all, these people did not experience painful emotions any less times than the rest of the people, say the bottom 10 per cent or the mid 10 per cent. They experience painful emotions, the difference between them and the rest was that they recovered more promptly as a result of different interpretations. So when they felt down, they were optimistic instead of saying What can I learn from it? What happen? And then they recovered more promptly than the pessimists, the people who remained depressed for a much longer time. You see, events happen, things happen in the world, very often out of our control. And some of the events are bad, some are negative. What matters more is what we do with them after, how we evaluate them. And what happens is that our evaluation becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy, and believes our self-fulfilling prophecies.

There are no short cuts. There are no easy steps to wellbeing, to success, to high level of beliefs in ourselves.

The questions that we ask determine our reality.

We very often create our own reality. And if we understand this, we can transform, change the way that we perceive, change our focus, change our questions, whether it’s questions disputing irrational evaluations, and questions create a new reality.

But the relationships that go through crucibles, that have crises, disagreements and then, you know, Thesis and Antithesis and then there is a Synthesis, and there is a growth as a result of these hardships. And he says that there is no other way, again learn to fail or fail to learn, there is no other way for a long-term success of a relationship. Relationship does not, cannot look like this. It has to have these ups and downs.

Never let a good crisis in a relationship go to waste,and there are some that could end, and should end a relationship. But most crises can be solved and need to be dealt with.

Same reality, different interpretations.


The media does focus to the great extent on the negative. And that’s not just a bad thing. Because one of the roles of media in a civil society is to highlight wrongs that can be righted, to inspire people, to act, to change, to make the world a better place. However, we need to realize that the media doesn’t just report reality as it is.

The media focuses,highlights the negative.It acts as a magnifying glass rather than as a looking glass.

Magnifying the negative. Minimizing the positive. In other words, what the media does is to distort our perception. It actually makes us into pessimists, especially because the news is on 24 hours a day. And we are constantly bombarded by negativity after negativity after negativity. And where do we get the positive? 30 seconds at the end of the news. Oh yes, there’s also a little bit good stuff going on. And it’s just to make you smile so that you come back tomorrow or the next hour for more bad news.

Highlighting the negative. Ignoring the positive. Millions and billions of honest transactions taking place all the time, all around us constantly. Now what else is happening? What we are doing, what the media is helping us to do is extrapolate from a few instances where people want to hurt, while ignoring the millions and billions of people who are dedicating their lives to helping spread the happiness in the world.

And the problem is when we just focus on bashing, when we just focus on the negative, we create a worse reality rather than improving the reality.

when they appreciate the good, when they find benefit in that situation, the good appreciates. It grows.

Another reason in addition to media why we tend to ignore the good and focus mostly on the bad is that we adapt.

There is another side. When we adapt, we also take things for granted. And that’s not a good thing. Because we take for granted our family that we care about so much. And we take for granted our friends. And we take for granted the food we are about to have in the dinning hall that is served to us.


In other words, what she insisted on was staying real. Being real. Being connected to what was around her. And when it was evil and bad, she was connected to that and at the same time, she was also connected to the good.

to think about different aspects of your family if you write family every day. To write about work one week. To write about home the next week. Maintaining mindfulness, focusing on things you didn’t notice before, creating novel distinctions.

To just do it. There are no short cuts. It’s not because you’ve been through a lecture on gratitude and you understand, you really understand what a benefit finder means.

And it’s only through that, that over time, over time, you’ll begin to see more and more of the positive in the world and counter the current schema that most of us have literally been imprisoned by, the fault finder schema.

And it’s by being mindful. By thinking about those wonderful things that we have, whether it’s in a friend, whether it’s in a movie we want to watch, whether it’s in the lunch we are going to have served to us in our house later.

What brings fulfillment is gratefulness, the simple response of our heart Again.to this given life in all its fullness.

Remember what is the most personal is also most general.

That people hope and believe that they can find quick fix. There is no quick fix. It takes time. It takes time to change. However, the change process can be as enjoyable, as fun,as exciting as ultimately achieving the change. And next week we’ll talk about that wonderful process.


Happiness. One of the most significant barrier to people’s happiness is that they associate happiness with slacking off, because the dominant paradigm. If I’m happy now, I ignore experiencing pain. It means I’m letting go. It means I’m not gonna be successful. It means I’m gonna lose my edge.

We’re gonna discuss three distinct, the interconnected pathways to change—the ABCs of psychology which we have mentioned before. The ABCs—the A is the affect, the emotion. The B is the behavior, the action. And C is the cognition, the thought.

Affect, behavior, cognition times gradual and the acute. And we’re going to talk about six different approaches to change. These six approaches to change are interconnected. It’s important to connect them.

In order to change a habit, in order to bring about lasting change, we need to have as much of a solid approach as much…um…force in the intervention. It’s not just enough to focus on the emotions. It’s not just enough to focus on action. It’s not enough just to focus on our thinking. We want to focus on the three—the A, the B, and the C.

And again asking you shall receive; a question begins a quest. And as soon as I ask this question, it open up channels that I didn’t see before that were literally right in front of my eyes. And this was the work that I’ve studied for many years of one of my intellectual heroes.

Having a meaningful goal. When we’re on purpose, when we’re doing things that we love to do, when what we are, we are doing is meaningful and significant to us,we’re much more likely to experience peak experiences.

There is no other way to change. I can think about it all day long and say I want to be in touch with my feminine side or I want to be more courageous, I want to get out. I can think about it all day long. Nothing will happen. Nothing will happen unless we bring about real actual behavioral change, real actual behavioral action. And when we do that, then the sky is the limit.


maintaining a ritual,requires some self-discipline,but not a lot.
Creating a ritual requires a lot of self-discipline.

Rituals - very important and significant.The only way for lasting change.

passionate relationships,the first objective,the primary objective is to go into relationship to be known.Rather than to be validated.

A lot of preparation before you become an expert in the field and are able to introduce Creativity have that eurake,the insight.

Taking time in- invaluable. Not just for memory,also for creativity.

But if you have such a sacred place and use it,something eventually will happen.

you have to go though preparation,incubation to get to the eureka experience.

you need the foreplay to get to the next level.It’s important.it’s part of the creative process.It’s very significant for love.after you’ve come up with the eureka,that is when you evaluate.

the foreplay,have the orgasm,afterward evaluate it.


If we ask the right questions, it opens up opportunities.The other thing that’s at work here is the power of the word: words create worlds.

Words have power. They have meaning, especially when the words are meaningful to us when the goals that we declare are meaningful to us, they are much more likely to come true.

it is not attending of a goal that lead to happiness,but the having of a goal lead to happiness.

we need that goal - this outcome,this future orientation.

And the challege is to identify the treasure of happiness that are embedded,that are there in the it and that are there all around us.

So carpe diem(seize the day).Do what you want.


The expectations - the mission: a better world.

However,remember the trickle effect.
Overall,it’s a self-concordant goal as well as journey.
(call,destiny,task in life,mission)使命,命运,天命,职责

The most noble things is to listen to that inner voice.

Because when we pursue our passions.when we pursue a self-concordant goal and a self-concordant journey,that’s when we come alive and that’s when we also make the world a better place.

Individuals who are both successful,happy,thriving,flourishing are ones who do experience stress.However,they also pay very close attention to recovery.

To sprinting,recovery,sprinting,recovery.That understanding changed my life.


Quantity affects quality.量影响质,多则劣,少则精.

There is danger of failing.And wherever there is a crisis,there is opportunity,to learn and grow.


A person committed to excellence is not just about temporary relief,but about lasting satisfaction.


do not do unto yourself what you would not do unto others.
or rather “do unto yourself what you do unto others.”
when we talk about compassion,we talk about compassion for others.
And he said,”how can you have compassion for others when you don’t have compassion for yourself?”

Don’t sweat the small stuff…and it’s all small stuff.
Three Ps Permission. Positive. Perspective.

灵药就是 半小时的锻炼 每周四次
The wonder drug: 30 minutes of physical exercise,4 times a week.
至少15分钟的意念锻炼 每周6到7次
at least 15 minutes of mindful exercise 6 or 7 times a week.
8 hours of sleep more or less per 24 hours.
12 hugs a day

There can be too much of a good thing


Sport,It should be the last thing to go.

part of self-esteem is the notion that we are worthy of happiness.
The notion of being worthy of happiness.And when you ask people,”are you worthy o f happiness?”
大部分人会说”值得” 但在潜意识中,通常很多人都会说”不值得”可能因为脑袋里有一把声音说”不值得”
Most people would say,”yes.” But if you ask the subconscious,very often, for many people, it’s “no”

whether it’s because of the voice that we heard in the past from teachers,educators,parents,significant adults,society at large by comparing us to unrealistic models.

And that is a barrier;that stops us from becoming happier.

And again it’s the five-minute take-off that

With the shift trying to ignore or eliminate physical discomfort to paying attention with friendly curiosity.We can transform- quite literally transform our experience.


we need 4 hugs a day for survival. we need 8 hugs a day for maintenance.we need 12 hugs a day for growth.

Their thought,their hopes is to continue the exact same love and passion.
One of the reasons is because love,and especially lust and passion wears over time.

第一 维持恋情需要努力
First - that relationship is about hard work

第十九课: 如何让爱情天长地久

finding mindset

cultivating mindset,that is malleable related to the effort part.

A good partner is of course important.

Now connect it to this, to the mindset is the notion that there is only one right person for us.

And all i need to do,all i need to dedicate all my effort and time to is find that right person.

There are 6 billion people in the world.There is more than one right person.

Once again it is cultivating that one chosen relationship.

That is how we create the one chosen relationship,one special relationship

In fact, it doesn’t happen; it is happening. it is a process.

It is not about successs in a relationship; it is about succeeding in a relationship.

That the important thing in resolving conflicts is having a super ordinate goal.

尽管如此 若我们不主动维持爱情,长此以往 由于自我知觉理论,热情会退去因为我们没在恋情中有所投入.
However, if we don’t sustain the active love,over time because of self-perception theory,over time that we go away.because i don’t invest anything in relationship.

如果没有主动爱情 则恋情无以为继
So if there isn’t the active love,it cannot be sustained.

And it applies in the realm of leadership - the greatest leaders,They are the people who have the highest levels of integrity.
when we express ourselves, we are much more likely to thrive.

The foundation is to be known

The third point is about allowing for conflict in a relationship.

God is in the details.The same with love. Love is in the details.

最后 关于健康恋情的第四点 积极认知
Finally the fourth component of the healthy relationship-positive perception.

the partners have to be the benefit finders.They have to appreciate one another.

Not only does love perceive potentialities but it also actualizes them.


And so what they found is that the number of laughs by the female correlated with how much the female like the male and that in exchange. They also found out that the number of laughs by the female correlated with how much the male liked her.

six ways you can actually increase your humor levels as well.

First of all, we just talked about one of these.But journaling stories that are unique to you,finding funny stories that just as you have to go though your day and when you journal,try to write about positive experiences

Second is watching funny people,when you observe other people that are funny.because of these mirrior neurons,you actually pick up the rhythm of humor from them.

第21课: 爱情与自尊

美丽的敌人 多美的描述
A beauttiful enemy what a beautiful phrase.

A conflict free relationship is where there are no beautiful enemies.

美丽的敌人是指因为爱我们关心我们 所以要跟我们针锋相对的人
A beautiful enemy is a person who loves us,who cares about us enough to challenge us,enough to disagree.

You make me what to be a better man.

So we have on one dimesion constructive versus destructive communication;
on the other dimension,active versus passive communication.

And when that hard work is pleasurable and meaningful,over time that leads to a happier relationship.

使你们更快乐 建立双赢的伴侣关系
happier individuals to a win-win togetherness.

Some discomfort because pursuing happniess is by its nature selfish.

the more independent we are,the more inter-dependent we can become.

Those who express the sense of unworthiness are said to have low self-esteem,or the person who is to express self-pride are said to hold themselves in highest esteem.

It is about the attitude that i have toward myself.It’s the evaluative part of the self concept.

Two components,the feeling,the experience of competence and the feeling and experience of worthiness.

Branden说 自我概念就是命运
In the words of Branden:Self concept is destiny.

Beliefs or self-fulfilling prophecy

If i think of myself,believe in myself,believe that i am worthy,that i am capable of a lot,I will,I am much more likely to succeed.

the correlation between self-esteem and happiness is above 0.6.

low self-esteem is associated with anxiety.

That are important for the cultivation of self-esteem:

first,integrity 正直

The practice of self-awareness know yourself

Purposefulness,having goals,having self-concordant goals,pursuing them,living a life of purpose,of calling,taking responsibility remember once again no one is coming.

It’s up to you to make something of your lives.The practice of self-acceptance. Permission to be human on a daily basis.And finally, the practice of self-assertiveness;

The first level of self-esteem was a dependent self-esteem.
The second level of self-esteem that is not contingent on others;
and finally the third component essentially does not even need to be called self-esteem simply a sense of self.

A person who has dependent self-esteem looks for constant approval,very often is associated with perfectionism;

whereas the person has independent sense of self looks for criticism.
their motivation,their primary motivation is “What am i passionate about?””What do i care about?””What do i really,really want to do with mhy life?”

becoming known rather than validated


why is it important to be independent?

why is it that we should strive for this evolution?

Shouldn’t we stay of the conformity dependence level?

it is important to cultivate independence as a way to cultivate interdependence

obedience to authority a person with high dependence self-esteem

When we cultivate self-love,when we cultivate self-esteem that is when we are most likely to be empathic and to love others.

Put myself in a world that no one would know what i was doing.I’m much more likely to identify that thing which is my passion.my core,my calling.

Let me express myself And yes it may hurt me.

It will hurt me,if they don’t like me.I’m resilient I’m strong,I can deal.

And what i found was that dependent self-esteem was associated with instability independent self-esteem was associated with stablility.

Those with high self-esteem that was mostly dependent were more likely,not always,not every person but on average,were more likely to display hostility those people with high self-esteem that is mostly independent were much more open,cooperative and generous.

how people with high independent self-esteem were less likely to be perfectionistic


share it by being practical idealists

Be the change you want to see in the world

If you want a happier world,be that change.

So each time you go to one of those wonderful places exotic or otherwise,remember to simplify, remember to take care of yourself,remember to exercise remember to assert yourself and say no when appropriate,remember to cultivate your relationships.Remember what it is that is really really important for you in your life.

Each and every one of you is an entire world,a world in the making in the making of this world your world our world a better place

参数传递方式的一些总结_Parameter passing method

程序中的参数传递分为:值传递,引用传递,值结果传递,名字传递 四种.在java和javascript中则似乎只有两种.

值传递(pass by value)

引用传递(pass by reference)

值结果传递(pass by value-result)

名字传递(pass by name)
这是传递机制中最复杂的参数了。由于名字传递的思想是直到在被调用的程序真正使用了自变量(作为一个参数)之后才对这个自变量赋值,所以它还称作延迟赋值(delayed evaluation).

注:自变量(independent variable)一词来自数学。在数学中,y=f(x)。在这一方程中自变量是x,因变量(dependent variable)是y.如果x取任意一个量,y都有唯一的一个量与x对应,那么相应地x就叫做这个函数的自变量. x的取值范围叫做函数的定义域(domain),对应y的值叫做函数值(function value),函数值的集合叫做值域(range).

Java 应用程序中的变量可以为以下两种类型之一:引用类型或基本类型。当作为参数传递给一个方法时,处理这两种类型的方式是相同的。两种类型都是按值传递的;没有一种按引用传递。这是一个重要特性,正如随后的代码示例所示的那样。

在继续讨论之前,定义 按值传递和 按引用传递这两个术语是重要的。 按值传递意味着当将一个参数传递给一个函数时,函数接收的是原始值的一个副本。因此,如果函数修改了该参数,仅改变副本,而原始值保持不变。 按引用传递意味着当将一个参数传递给一个函数时,函数接收的是原始值的内存地址,而不是值的副本。因此,如果函数修改了该参数,调用代码中的原始值也随之 改变。


public class Test {
public void changeString(String s) {
s = “hi”;
public void changeInt(int s) {
s = 100;
public static void main(String[] args) {
Test test = new Test();
String a = new String(“aa”);
String b = “bb”;
System.out.println(a); //结果为 aa
System.out.println(b); //结果为 bb

Integer c = new Integer(1);
int d = 2;
System.out.println(c); //结果为 1
System.out.println(d); //结果为 2


public class Test {
public void changeArray(int[] s) {
s[0] = 100;
public void changeArray(String[] s) {
s[0] = “aa”;
public static void main(String[] args) {
Test test = new Test();
// 创建int型数组对象
int[] e = { 1, 2 };
// 创建字符串型数组对象
String[] f = { “aa”, “bb” };
System.out.println(e[0]); //结果为100
System.out.println(f[0]); //结果为aa



public class Test {
private String name;
private int age;
public Test() { }
public Test(String name, int age) {
this.name = name;
this.age = age;
public String getName() {
return name;
public void setName(String name) {
this.name = name;
public int getAge() {
return age;
public void setAge(int age) {
this.age = age;
public void changeTest(Test t) {
t.name = “rain”;
t.age = 33;
public static void main(String[] args) {
Test test2 = new Test(“bob”,22);
System.out.println(test2.getName()); //结果为rain
System.out.println(test2.getAge()); //结果为33


<script type=”text/javascript”>
var man = {name:””,age:0};
var array = [1,2];
function changeBoolean(temp){
temp = false;
function changeNum(temp){
temp = 100;
function changeString(temp){
temp = “aa”;
function changeObject(o){
o.name = “hello”;
function changeArray(a){
a[0] = 100;

function test(){
var a = 1;
var a2 = new Number(1.2);
var b = “bb”;
var b2 = new String(“bbb”);
var c = true;

alert(a); //结果为1
alert(a2); //结果为1.2
alert(b); //结果为bb
alert(b2); //结果为bbb
alert(c); //结果为true
alert(man.name); //结果为hello
alert(array[0]); //结果为100

值得一提的是,在Ecmascript 262 3rd规范中有引用类型一说:

The Reference Type
The internal Reference type is not a language data type. It is defined by this specification purely for
expository purposes. An implementation of ECMAScript must behave as if it produced and operated upon
references in the manner described here. However, a value of type Reference is used only as an
intermediate result of expression evaluation and cannot be stored as the value of a variable or property.


Reference Types
Reference types are commonly referred to as classes, which is to say that when you have a reference
value, you are dealing with an object. The vast number of predefined ECMAScript reference types are
discussed throughout the book. For now, the discussion focuses around the reference types that are
closely related to the primitive types just discussed.
ECMAScript doesn’t actually have classes in the traditional sense. In fact, the word “class” doesn’t
appear in ECMA-262 except to explain that there are no classes. ECMAScript defines “object definitions”
that are logically equivalent to classes in other programming languages. This book chooses to use
the term “class” because it is more familiar to most developers.



从编译程序的编写者的观点来看,值结果传递要求对运行时栈以及调用序列的基本结构的进行若干个修改。首先,被调用的程序不能释放活动记录,这是因为 复制出的(局部)值还必须对调用程序适用。其次,调用程序必须或是在建立新的活动记录开始之前就将自变量的地址压入到栈中,或是必须从被调用的程序中重新 计算出这些返回的地址。-<程序设计原理>




In[10]: = x: = 6+3

Javascript和Java中的this关键字_This keyword in Javascript and Java

关于javascript的this关键字,首先我看了ECMA-262 第三版的介绍:

Activation Object
当进入到一个function code的执行上下文,一个叫作activation object(活动对象)的对象被创建,并关联到该执行上下文. 活动对象中一个名叫arguments特征为{ DontDelete }的属性一起初始化.this属性的初始值是arguments对象在下面会讲述.



Entering An Execution Context
每个function和constructor 调用进入到一个新的执行上下文,即使一个function调用它自身进行递归.每一个return存在一个执行上下文.一个抛出异常,如果不捕捉,可能存在一个或更多的执行上下文.
当控制进入到一个执行上下文,作用域链(scope chain)被创建且被初始化,变量实例被执行,并且this的值被定了下来.



<input type=”text” id=”name” >
document.getElementById(“name”).onclick = showValue();
function showValue(){
点击得到的值为””,而<input type=”text” onclick=”showValue()” >得到的值为”undefined”.
html标签中的事件在http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/interact/scripts.html 有讲到,其被称为Intrinsic events(固有事件).但是它并没有讲为什么在固有事件中声明this能得到当前html标签的一个属性值,而通过调用一个js文件的function则获取不到标签中的this的属性值。



这个问题其实是内联事件处理函数的特性问题,与其他函数不同,内联事件处理函数的作用域链从头部开始依次是:调用对象、该元素的 DOM 对象、该元素所属 FORM 的 DOM 对象(如果有)、document 对象、window 对象(全局对象)。

关于内联事件处理函数,以及不同浏览器兼容问题,http://www.w3help.org/zh-cn/causes/SJ9009 有详细的介绍.我就不copy了。



CSS2中的可视化格式模型_Visual fomatting model in CSS2


  • 视点 viewport
  • 包含块 Containing blocks
  • 控制包含框的生成 Controlling box generation
  • 定位方案 Positioning schemes
  • 常规流向 Normal flow
  • 浮动 Floats
  • 绝对定位 Absolute positioning
    w3c 规范原文: Visual formatting model


box model: 盒模型
boxes: 盒子,控制框
schema: 模式,计划,图解,概要,方案
continuous media: 连续媒介
paged media: 页面媒介
margin properties: 边距属性
page model: 页面模型
Conforming user agents: 一致性用户端
overflow: 溢出
block-level boxes: 块级盒,块级框
block-level replaced element : 块级可替换元素
block formatting context: 块格式化上下文
block container box: 块容器盒,块容器框
inline formatting context: 行内,内联格式化上下文
inline-level boxes: 行内,内联级盒,内联级框
block boxs: 块盒,块框
inline content: 行内内容,内联内容
block content: 块内容
anonymous block box: 匿名块控制盒,匿名块控制框
in-flow block-level box: 流内块级盒
containing inline formatting context: 包含内联格式化上下文
atomic inline-level boxes: 原子内联级框
out of flow: 外部流
in-flow: 内部流
line box: 线盒,行盒
line break:换行符
superscripting: 上标
subscripting: 下标
border box:边框
margin box:边距框
stacking context:堆叠上下文
clearance: 间隙,清除
z-axis: z轴
stack level: 堆叠级别

9.1 介绍



  • 盒子的尺寸类型.
  • 定位模式(常规流向,浮动和绝对定位).
  • 文档树中元素间的关系.
  • 外部信息(例如,视点大小,图形的固有尺寸等).


可视化格式模型并不指定格式化的所有方面(例如,它并不指定字符间距算法)。与CSS一致的用户端在处理本规范未包含的格式化情形时,表现可能有所不同。 对于这个规范没有覆盖到的格式化问题一致性用户端表现可能不同.

9.1.1 视点 viewport:


9.1.2 包含块 Containing blocks:
每个盒子给出一个相对于它的包含块的定位,但是它不被包含块限制,它可能 溢出.

9.2 控制框的生成 Controlling box generation:

9.2.1 块级元素和块框 Block-level elements and block boxes

块级盒是参与一个块格式化上下文 的盒子.每个块级元素生成一个主要的块级盒子,其包含子盒子和生成的内容,同时盒子也涉及到定位的方案.
除了table盒,和可替换元素,一个块级盒同时也是一个块容器盒,一个块容器盒只包含块级盒子或是建立一个行内格式化上下文来包含行内级盒.不是所有的 块容器盒都是块级盒,不可替换行内块和不可替换table cells是块容器但不是块级盒.是块级盒子的块容器称作块盒.
三个术语 “block-level box,” “block container box,” 和”block box”在意义明确的时候简称为”block”. 匿名块框 Anonymous block boxes

Some text
<P>More text
(并假定DIV和P都设置了’display: block’),DIV包含行内内容和块内容。为了使格式化简单一些,我们假定有一个匿名块控制盒围绕在”Some text”周围。

anonymous box


p { display: inline }
span { display: block }
<TITLE>Anonymous text interrupted by a block</TITLE>
This is anonymous text before the SPAN.
<SPAN>This is the content of SPAN.</SPAN>
This is anonymous text after the SPAN.





9.2.2 行内级别元素和行内盒 Inline-level elements and inline boxes

行内级别元素是那些源文档中不形成新的块的内容的元素;内容在行内分布(如,段落内着重的文本,行内图形等等).以下的’display’属性值产 生一个行内级别元素:’inline’, ‘inline-table’, and ‘inline-block’.行内级别元素生成行内级别盒,这些盒子参与行内格式化上下文.

一个行内盒是由行内级别和它的内容一起参与它的包含行内格式化上下文.一个non-replaced元素’display’值是’inline’生 成一个行内盒.那些不是行内盒的行内级别盒(例如replaced inline-level 元素, inline-block 元素, 和 inline-table 元素)被称为原子行内级盒,因为它们作为单一不透明(?)盒参与它们的行内格式化上下文. 匿名行内盒 Anonymous inline boxes



<P>Some <EM>emphasized</em> text</P>



9.2.3 插入盒 Run-in boxes(略)

9.2.4 display属性 The ‘display’ property(略)

9.3 定位方案Positioning schemes

1. 常规流向。CSS2中,常规流向包括块级盒的块格式化,行内级盒的行内格式化,块级盒或行内级盒的相对定位.
2. 浮动。在浮动模型中,一个盒子首先根据常规流向布局,再将它从流中取出并尽可能地向左或向右偏移。内容可以排列在一个浮动的边上.
3. 绝对定位。在绝对定位模型中,一个盒子整个地从常规流向中脱离(它对后续的同胞没有影响),并根据一个包含块来分配其定位.

9.3.1 Choosing a positioning scheme: ‘position’ property(略)

9.3.2 Box offsets: ‘top’, ‘right’, ‘bottom’, ‘left’(略)

9.4 常规流Normal flow


9.4.1 块格式化上下文 Block formatting contexts


9.4.2 行内格式化上下文 Inline formatting contexts

在一个行内格式化上下文,盒子水平地排列,一个接着一个,从包含块的顶端开始.水平margins,borders,和padding在这些盒子之 间被考虑.这些盒子可能以不同形式垂直对齐:它们的底部或顶部可能是对齐的,或者文本的基线是对齐的.该矩形区域包含的盒子形成一条线被称作行盒.






行盒按需被创建来在行内格式化上下文持有行内级别内容.行盒不包含文本,保留的空格.margins,padding,或者borders非零的行内元素,和其它流内(in-flow)内容(比如images,inline blocks或inline tables),且其不以保留的换行符结尾.为了决定在其中任意元素的定位像这样的行盒必须以0-height 行盒对待,并且为了其它的一些目的必须以不存在对待.

<P>Several <EM>emphasized words</EM> appear<STRONG>in this</STRONG> sentence, dear.</P>

<P>Several<EM>emphasized words</EM>appear<STRONG>in this</STRONG> sentence, dear.</P>


  • 匿名:”Several”
  • EM: “emphasized words”
  • 匿名:”appear”
  • STRONG: “in this”
  • 匿名:”sentence, dear.”

Several emphasized words appear in this sentence, dear.


Several emphasized words appear
in this sentence, dear.

Several emphasized
words appear in this
sentence, dear.



<TITLE>Example of inline flow on several lines</TITLE>
<STYLE type=”text/css”>
EM {
padding: 2px;
margin: 1em;
border-width: medium;
border-style: dashed;
line-height: 2.4em;
<P>Several <EM>emphasized words</EM> appear here.</P>


Image illustrating the effect of line breaking on the display of margins, borders, and padding.

  • 在”emphasized”之前和”words”之后插入了margin.
  • 在”emphasized”之前、之上和之下,”words”之后、之上和之下插入了padding。在每个单词的三边渲染了虚线边框.

9.4.3 相对定位 Relative positioning

一旦一个盒子按照普通流或 浮动布局,它可能相对原来的位置有偏移,这被称作相对定位.以这种方式偏移一个盒子(B1)对跟随其后的盒子(B2)没有 影响.B2的定位好像B1没有偏移,并且在B1应用了偏移后B2不进行重新定位.这意味着相对定位会导致盒子重叠.然而,如果相对定位导致 ‘overflow:auto’ 或 ‘overflow:scroll’盒子溢出,客户端必须允许用户访问这些内容(在它的偏移位置),穿过创建的scrollbar可能会影响布局.






如果’left’或’right’值都不是’auto’,定位则over-constrained,且其中的一个值会被忽略.如果包含块的 ‘direction’属性值为’ltr’,’left’值胜出且’right’值变为-‘left’(减去left值).如果包含块的 ‘direction’值是’rtl’,’right’胜出’left’值被忽略.

div.a8 { position: relative; direction: ltr; left: -1em; right: auto }
div.a8 { position: relative; direction: ltr; left: auto; right: 1em }
div.a8 { position: relative; direction: ltr; left: -1em; right: 5em }

在不改变尺寸的情况下’top’和’bottom’属性值上下移动相对定位元素.’Top’把盒子向上移动,’bottom’把它们向下移动.因为盒子不 会由于’top’或’bottom’值分割或是伸展,经常使用的值是:top=-bottom.如果它们都是’auto’,它们使用的值都为’0’.如果 它们中的一个是’auto’,它成为另一个的负值.如果两者都不是’auto’,’bottom’被忽略(也就是,使用的bottom值讲减去’top’ 值).


相对定位的例子在comparing normal flow, floats, and absolute positioning章节提供.

9.5 浮动 Floats

浮动是一个盒子在当前行向左或右偏移.一个float(或者”floated”或者”floating”盒子)最有趣的特征是内容可以沿着它的边 (或通过’clear’属性禁止).内容由于左浮动的盒子流向右下边,由于右浮动的盒子流向左下方.接下来是一个对float定位和内容流的介 绍;float行为的准确规则在’float’属性有描述.


如果浮动没有足够的水平空间,它向下偏移直到它适应或者没有更多浮动出现.(no more floats present.)




如果一个缩短的行盒对内容来说太小,那么 这个行盒向下移动(它的宽度重新计算),直到内容适应,或是没有更多浮动出现.任何内容(在当前行)在一个 浮动的盒子之前流入浮动另一边的同样的行,换句话说,如果行内级别盒被强加到在左浮动前的行刚好碰到其适合在剩下的行盒空间,左浮动被强加到那行,和行盒 的顶部对齐,然后在行上的行内级别盒相应地被移动到浮动的右边(右边成为左浮动的另一边)反过来对rtl和右浮动也一样.

table的border框,块级可替换元素,或者一个普通流内的元素其建立一个新的块格式化上下文(例 如,一个’overflow’元素不同于 ‘visible’元素)必须不重叠任何浮动的盒子的margin框,在同样的块格式化上下文就像元素本身一样.如果需要,实现应该通过放置它在之前浮动 元素的下面来清除上述的元素,但如果有足够的空间可能放置它到临近的浮动.他们可能甚至使得上述的border框比section 10.3.3 定义的更窄.CSS2不定义什么时候客户端可以放置上述的元素紧挨着浮动或者上述的元素可以变窄多少.

p { width: 10em; border: solid aqua; }
span { float: left; width: 5em; height: 5em; border: solid blue; }

<span> </span>


Image illustrating the effect of an unbreakable piece of content being reflowed to just after a float which left insufficient room next to it for the content to fit.


接下来的规则用 浮动所有的IMG盒到左边(设置左边的margin为’0’):

img.icon {
float: left;
margin-left: 0;


<TITLE>Float example</TITLE>
<STYLE type=”text/css”>
IMG { float: left }
BODY, P, IMG { margin: 2em }
<P><IMG src=img.png alt=”This image will illustrate floats”>
Some sample text that has no other…


Image illustrating how floating boxes interact with margins. [D]

<P>Some sample text
<IMG src=img.png alt=”This image will illustrate floats”>
that has no other…

章节8.3.1 所说,浮动盒的margin绝不会和临近的盒重叠.因此,在前面的例子中,在P盒和浮动的IMG盒之间垂直的margin不会重叠.

浮动的内容是堆叠的就好像浮动生成了新的堆叠上下文(stacking contexts),除了一些positioned元素和一些创建了新的堆叠上下文的元素并且其参加浮动的父级堆上下文. 一个浮动能够重叠普通流中的其它盒子(例如,当普通流盒子紧接着浮动有负的margin).当它发生后,浮动在no-positioned流内块的前面重 渲染,但在流内行内(inlines)后面.


Image showing a floating image that overlaps the borders of two paragraphs: the borders are interrupted by the image. [D]

A floating image obscures borders of block boxes it overlaps.


p { clear: left }

Image showing a floating image and the effect of [D]

Both paragraphs have set ‘clear: left’, which causes the second paragraph to be “pushed down” to a position below the float — “clearance” is added above its top margin to accomplish this (see the **‘clear’ property). **

9.5.1 浮动的定位:’float’属性 Positioning the float: the ‘float’ property

值: left | right | none | inherit
初始值: none
适用于: 除了定位的元素和生成的内容之外的所有元素
可否继承: 否
百分比: N/A
媒介: 图形




  1. 向左浮动的盒的左外边不可以出现在它的包含块左边界之左。对于向右浮动的元素也有类似的规则.
  2. 如果当前的盒向左浮动,并且在源文档中先前有元素产生了任何向左浮动的盒,那么对于每一个这样的先前的盒,要么当前盒的左外边出现先前盒的右外边之右,要么它的顶部必须在先前的盒的底部之下。对于向右浮动的盒也有类似的规则.
  3. 向左浮动的盒的右外边不可以出现在它右边的任何向右浮动的盒子的左外边之右.对于向右浮动的元素也有类似的规则.
  4. 一个浮动盒的外顶边不可以高于它的包含块的顶.当浮动在两个折叠的margin间发生,浮动定位就好像有另外一个空的父级匿名块参与流.这样的父级定位在margin collapsing章节定义了规则.
  5. 浮动盒的顶边不可以高于源文档中先前的元素产生的浮动盒的顶.
  6. 一个元素的顶边不可以高于源文档中先前的元素产生的包含一个盒的任何行盒的顶.
  7. 向左浮动的盒如果在它左边有另外一个向左浮动的盒,它的右外边不可以出现在它的包含块的右边之右.(或者比较宽松的要求是:一个左浮动不可以超出右边,除非它已经尽可能地靠左排列.)对于向右浮动的元素也有类似的规则.
  8. 一个浮动盒要放置得尽可能的高.
  9. 一个左浮动盒必须尽量靠左放置,一个右浮动盒必须尽量靠右放置。在更高的位置和更靠左或靠右的位置间,选择前者.


<P>a<SPAN style=”float: right”>b</SPAN></P>

An a at the left side of a box and a b at the right side

9.5.2 控制紧接浮动的排列:’clear’属性

值: none | left | right | both | inherit
初始值: none
适用于: 块级元素
可否继承: 否
百分比: N/A
媒介: 图形






如果元素顶部border边缘假定的位置没有越过相关的浮动,那么间隙引入进来,margin的重叠由 8.3.1的规则决定.

注意:两个行为都允许对存在网页内容的兼容性进行不定求值(pending evaluation).未来的CSS规范将要求其中一个或者其它.

例 1.假定(为了简单),我们只有3个盒子,在这个规则中:块B1和有bottom margin M1(B1没有子内容没有padding或者border),浮动块F有height H,且块B2带有top margin M2(没有padding或者border,没有子内容).B2的’clear’设置为’both’.我们同样假设B2不为空.

不考虑B2的’clear’属性,我们有下面图表的情形.B1和B2的margin重叠.我们说B1的底border边在y=0的位置.然后,F的顶部在y=M1的位置,B2的顶border边在y=max(M1,M2),F的底部在 y = M1 + H.

Float F extends into the margin above M2.


max(M1,M2) < M1 + H

我们需要计算清除C两次,C1和C2,并保留两者中的最大值:C=max(C1,C2).第一种方式是让B2的顶部和F的底部齐平,也就是在 y = M1 + H.那意思是,因为使用了清除它们之间的margin不再重叠:

bottom of F = top border edge of B2 ⇔

M1 + H = M1 + C1 + M2

C1 = M1 + H - M1 - M2

= H - M2

第二种计算方式是保持B2的顶部不变,也就是在 y= max(M1,M2). 那意思是:

max(M1,M2) = M1 + C2 + M2 ⇔

C2 = max(M1,M2) - M1 - M2

我们假设max(M1,M2) < M1 + H,其意味着:

C2 = max(M1,M2) - M1 - M2 < M1 + H - M1 - M2 = H - M2 ⇒

C2 < H - M2
且,由于C1 = H - M2,于是:

C2 < C1


C = max(C1,C2) = C1


<p style=”margin-bottom: 4em”>
First paragraph.

<p style=”float: left; height: 2em; margin: 0”>
Floating paragraph.

<p style=”clear: left; margin-top: 3em”>
Last paragraph.

说明:没有’clear’,首个和末尾段落的margin将重叠,并且最后的段落的顶部border边将和浮动段落的顶部对齐.但是’clear’要求顶 border边在浮动下面.也就是降低2em.这个意思是空隙必须引入.相应地,margin不再重叠且空隙的总数设置结果是clearance + margin-top = 2em,也就是clearance = 2em - margin-top = 2em - 3em = -1em.


  • 浮动的顶部外边必须低于所有之前的left-floating盒子(就’clear:left’来说)的底部外边,或者所有right-floating盒(就’clear: right’来说), 或者 both (‘clear: both’).
    注意:这个属性适用于所有 CSS1中元素. 实现可以在所有元素上支持该属性.在CSS2和CSS2.1’clear’属性仅仅应用于块级元素.因此程序设计者应该只把该属性用在块 级元素上.如果一个实现支持内联元素的clear,而不是设置一个上面解释的清除,实现应该强制一个打断和有效的插入一个或多个空的行盒(或偏移新的行盒 向下就像章节9.5)来移动顶部的被清除内联行盒到各自的浮动盒下面.

9.6 绝对定位 Absolute positioning

在绝对定位模型中,一个盒子基于它的包含块而显式地偏移.它完全从常规流向中脱离(对后继的同胞没有影响).一个绝对定位盒为它的常规流向子元素和绝对地 定位(不是fixed)后代生成一个新的包含块.不过,绝对定位元素的内容不会在其它盒的周围排列.它们可能会也可能不会挡住另外一个盒子的内容(或者被 挡住),这取决于互相重合的盒的堆叠层次.


9.6.1 固定定位 Fixed positioning

固定定位是绝对定位的一个子类。唯一的区别是,对于固定定位盒子,它的包含块由视点创建.对于连续媒介,固定盒并不随着文档的滚动而移动.从这个意义上 说,它们类似于固定的背景图形.对于页面媒介,固定定位盒在每页里重复.需要在每一页底部放置一个签名时,这个方法很有用.


Image illustrating a frame-like layout with position= [D]


<TITLE>A frame document with CSS2</TITLE>
<STYLE type=”text/css”>
BODY { height: 8.5in } / Required for percentage heights below /

#header {
position: fixed;
width: 100%;
height: 15%;
top: 0;
right: 0;
bottom: auto;
left: 0;

#sidebar {
position: fixed;
width: 10em;
height: auto;
top: 15%;
right: auto;
bottom: 100px;
left: 0;

#main {
position: fixed;
width: auto;
height: auto;
top: 15%;
right: 0;
bottom: 100px;
left: 10em;

#footer {
position: fixed;
width: 100%;
height: 100px;
top: auto;
right: 0;
bottom: 0;
left: 0;
<DIV id=”header”> … </DIV>
<DIV id=”sidebar”> … </DIV>
<DIV id=”main”> … </DIV>
<DIV id=”footer”> … </DIV>

获取n个不重复随机数的三种方法_Three methods get n+ not repeated random number



2.声明一个array 包含元素[0…9],然后随机生成一个中间值4-6,然后加上一个生成的合理随机值保证排除之前生成值.


var a = genTwoRandomNumber();
function genTwoRandomNumber(){
//var arr = addRandomNum(2);
var arr = genTwoRandomNumber();
return ‘’+arr[0]+arr[1];

//add a new not repeat array element
function addSeed(arr){
var seed = Math.floor(Math.random()*10);
var index = arr.indexOf(seed);

//genarate a new number and digital is set by user
function addRandomNum(size){
var arr = [];
var seed = Math.floor(Math.random()*10);
for(var i =0;i<size;i++){
return arr;

//use the recursion as default method
function genTwoRandomNumber(){
var result = ‘’;
var temp1 = String(Math.floor(Math.random()10));
var temp2 = String(Math.floor(Math.random()
result = result+temp1+temp2;
result = genBox3RandomNumber();
return result;

function genTwoRandomNumber2(){
var result = ‘’;
var seed = Math.floor(Math.random()10);
var temp1 = String(Math.floor(Math.random()
var temp2 = String(Math.floor(Math.random()10));
var a = Math.floor(Math.random()
return result;

语义网路线图译文_Semantic Web Roadmap Translation


日期:1998年9月。 最后更新:$日期:1998/10/14 20点17分13秒$

现状:尝试给出语义万维网体系结构的高级计划。 编辑状态:草案。

Semantic Web Road map 语义网路线图


Introduction 简介

web被设计为信息空间,它的目标不仅仅是对人与人之间的交流有用,同时机器应该也能够参与进来并起到帮助作用。对此一个主要的障碍是现实中大多数 web上的信息专门提供给人们使用,即使它是由数据库驱动并有很好定义的方式(最起码在一定条件下)。数据的结构对一个浏览网页的机器人来说是不明显的。 撇开把机器训练得像人一样行动的人工智能问题,the Semantic Web approach instead develops languages for expressing information in a machine processable form(语义网致力于替代在一个机器过程形式中表达信息的开发语言).



The basic assertion model 基本的声明模型

当看一个可能的统一web语义声明的算法,最低限度要求者需要的原则是它要基于一个非常通用的普通模型。仅当这个通用的模型生成任何预期的应用都能被映射的模型。这个生成模型就是Resource Description Framework(资源描述框架).

见:RDF Model and Syntax Specification

一般来说,这非常简单。简单到对模型本身你没有什么事情你能做除了堆叠很多东西在顶层。基本的模型仅仅包含一个声明(assertion)的观念,和一个 引用(quotation)的观念-做一个声明的声明。介绍这个是因为它以后将在任何地方都有需要且大多初始的RDF应用都是与数据(“元数据”)相关的 数据,在这里声明的声明是基础.即使是在逻辑之前(因为对目标应用的RDF而言,声明是一些资源描述的一部分,那些资源是一个隐含参数而声明作为一个资源 的属性).


在这个层次上的应用有很多.大多的applications for the representation of metadata(表示元数据的应用)在这个水平上能被RDF来操控.例子包括卡片索引信息(the Dublin Core),私密信息(P3P),文档的关联样式表,知识产权标记(???)和PICS标记(照片分类).我们在这里讨论表示型数据,它简单而典型:因为 没有语言用来解释查询或推论规则.

RDF文档(documents)在这个层次上并没有巨大的威力.and sometimes it is less than evident why one should bother to map an application in RDF.答案是我们希望得到这个数据,有时候在一个应用中它是有限且简单的.之后,和其他应用的数据组合再进入web.运行在整个web的应用必须能够使 用一个通用的框架用来从所有其他应用中组合信息.例如:访问控制逻辑可能使用一个组合密码,组成员资格和数据类型信息来进行明确的允许访问或拒绝访问.查 询可能允许威力巨大的逻辑表达式关联到来自域名的私有的数据,且这些数据的表示语言并不是很有表现力的.这份文档的目的是展示部分可能已经发展了的计划. (???)

The Schema Layer 架构(模式)层

下一步我们需要一个Schema层来声明已经存在的新的属性.同时我需要多说几句(??).我们希望能够约束它使用的方式.典型地,我们想要约束它能应用 对象(object)的类型.这些元声明使得在一个文档做基本的检查成为可能.就像在SGML中”DTD”允许检查元素是否被用在适当的位置,因此在 RDF的Schema允许我们去检查,例如,一个开车人的驾照上有一个人的名字,而不是一个车的模型作为它的名字.
哪些原始的东西要介绍,更有作用的语言能被定义到这样层次还是下一层次,这些对我来说不是完全清楚的.在这个领域现在有一个RDF Schema工作组(RDF Schema working group).Schema语言对合法的组合作简易的声明. 如果SGML DTD用来作为模板,schema能够用在一个威力有限的语言中.在这个schema语言中约束很容易扩散到更具威力的逻辑表达式层(下一层结构),但在 这里我们为了限制能力,不这样做。例如:一个人可以说在一个schema中一个属性foo是唯一的,扩散后,对任意的x,如果y是x的foo,并且z是x 的foo,那么y等于z.这要使用在这一层上并不可用的逻辑表达式.但是只要schema语言由专门schema引擎来操控,而不是一个通用的推理引擎来 操控,那就没问题.


Conversion language 转化语言

一个命名空间工作的可演化性需求是必须和普通RDF的知识在同一层次上,能够根据规则将一个RDF schema中的文档(document)转换到另一个RDF schama当中(大概对如何处理有一个天生的理解).

根据最小能力原则,该语言可以在没有否定的情况下使用隐含关联(推论规则)(这似乎是一个好的特征,当事实上一个人能够很容易地写出一个规则来从另一个声 明B的一个声明A中定义推论,这实际上是假的,即使该语言没有一个实际的方式来表示”False”.无论如何,形式上该语言没有足够的必要去写一个驳论, 来方便一些人.紧接着,尽管这个语言更具表现力,我们不是依赖固有的能力去构造一个矛盾的声明,但是在应用上特别的限制详细文档的表现力.Schemas 提供一个方便的地方来描述那些限制条件.)

一个应用程序的例子,这一层当2个数据库被语义的链接连接,独立地构建然后被放到web上,且其允许在一个上面queries转换到另一个queries 上面.在这里,有人注意到”where”在friends表和”zip”在places表示同一个意思.另一些人注意到”zip”在places表 和”zip”在employees表中表示同一个事物,因此就像箭头表示的那样.给出这个信息,搜索任何一个employee名字叫Fred,zip为 02139能够扩展employees让其包含friends.所有的这些需要一些RDF的”equivalent”属性.

The logical layer 逻辑层

紧接着,下一层是逻辑层.我们需要一些方法将逻辑写入到文档中来允许这样的事情,例如,从一个文档的另一个类型规定文档的一个类型的一个推论;一个 文档违反了自我约束规则的检查;一个把不知道的术语转化为知道的术语的query方案.假定我们已经在语言中有了引用,下一层应是谓词逻辑 (not,and,等等)再下一层是量化(quantification)(对所有的x,y(x)).

RDF的应用程序在这一层次上基本是很有限的仅仅靠的是想象.一个这一层次的简单例子是:当有两个数据库,互相独立,然后放到web上,再由语义的 links连接,它允许在一个上面的queries转化为另一上面的queries.Many things which may have seemed to have needed a new language become suddenly simply a question of writing down the right RDF.当你有一个语言,其在对引用进行谓词演算方面有着超强的能力的时候,你需要为这个特定的应用定义一个心的语言,有两件事情要做:
一个是可能需要定义一些简单的功能在文档集合中的约束语言里有效率地传输表达式(One will probably want to define some abbreviated functions to efficiently transmit expressions within the set of documents within the constrained language. )

What the Semantic Web is not - 常见问题解答
下面的metro map展示了语义网里面的key循环.在web部分,在左边,展示了URI是什么,使用HTTP,转入一个文档的表示层作为一些MIME类型的bits字 符.它然后解析到XML再进入RDF,来生成一个RDF图,或在逻辑层,生成一个逻辑表达式.在右手边,语义的部分,展示了RDF图怎样包含这个URI的 一个引用.来自key的依赖,和文档里面包含的声明相结合,可以导致一个语义的web引擎解除另一个URI的引用.

Proof Validation - a language for proof 验证校验 - 校验语言

RDF模型没有讲到推理引擎的形式,并且它是一个明显的问题,as there is no definitively perfect algorithm for answering questions - or, basically, finding proofs.眼下在语义网的开发里面,尽管,我们没有处理那个问题.大多数应用依照一些清晰的约束规则构建验证,并且所有其他部分需要做这个通用的验 证.这是很平常的.

例如,当一个人被允许访问一个网站,他们能够给出一个文件来向web服务器解释为什么他们有使用权.验证将会成为声明(assertions)和推 理规则的链(chain)[well,DAG]with pointers to all the supporting material.

同样的,事务(transactions)涉及到隐私信息,还有许多的电子商务.该文件通过网络发送将被写入一个完整的语言.然而,他们将会被约 束,因此,如果是queries,结果是可计算的,且在大多数情况下它们将会是proofs(验证),HTTP”GET”将包含一个客户端有权限去响应的 验证.这个响应将有一个其本身是不是确实是被问到的问题的验证.

Evolution rules Language 演化规则语言

RDF在逻辑层已经有能力去表达推理规则.例如,你应该能够说这样的事情”如果X机构的zipcode(邮政编码)是y,那么x的work- zipcode是y”.就像上面记录的,使用remarks(附注)来分散web,到最后将会很有趣.但在这简短的条款中不会产生可重复的结果除非我们限 制documents(文档)的表现来解决独有的应用问题.

1.对一个版本为n的实现要能够读取足够的RDF schema并能推断出怎么样读取版本为n+1的文档.
(见evolvability article)

RDF逻辑层作为一种语言对建立推理规则来说是足够的.注意它没有address(记录,标记)任何特别的推理引擎的heuristics(启发式过程/ 探索性的方法或过程)它是一个开放的领域通过语义网将会使其更加开放且富有成果(which which is an open field made all the more open and fruitful by the Semantic Web).换句话说,RDF将允许你写一些规则但不会告诉任何人在这个阶段哪个规则作用于他们.
例如,a library of congress schema talks of an “author”,和一个英国图书馆谈话的”创建者”,a small bit of RDF将能够说对任何人X和任何资源y,如果x是y的(LoC)作者,那么x是y的(BL)创建者.这是一类的规则,它可以用来处理可展开的问题.哪里有 一个处理器来找到它?在这个案例中其要找到版本为2的文档,然后这个版本为2的文档且要去找到规则去转化它并进入版本为1的文档,然后这个版本为2的 schema将自然地包含或指向这个规则.在这个案例中的可追溯文档材料的两个独立创建的schemas(In the case of retrospective documentation of the relationship between two independently invented schemas),然后理所当然的,规则的指针能够添加到任何一个schema中,但如果那不(社会化)具有实用性,那么我们有另一个注解问题的例子.这 问题第三方索引能够解决,其能够搜索两个schemata之间的连接(connections).在实践的过程中,搜索引擎提供这项功能是很有效率地-你 将只需要问搜索引擎一个schema的所有关联并检查规则的结果哪些像这两个.

Query languages 查询语言

还有一个查询语言.一个query可以被认为是一个返回的关于结果的断言(A query can be thought of as an assertion about the result to be returned).根本地,在任何情况下RDF在逻辑层足够去表现这个.然而,在实践中一个query引擎有特定的算法和索引能确定哪个起作用,并能回 答特定类别的query.


将query语言定义到RDF逻辑的条款中明显是很重要的.例如,查询一个服务器上的一个资源的作者,one would ask for an assertion of the form “x is the author of p1” for some x.请求一个所有作者的限定list.将会找到一个作者的集合,这样任何作者都在这个集合里面,并且每个人在这个集合都是一个作者.如此等等.

在实践中,web上搜索引擎算法差异,和proof-finding 算法在pre-web逻辑系统建议语义网中应该有许多形式的代理来为不同形式的query提供答案.

One useful step the specification of specific query engines for for example searches to a finite level of depth in a specified subset of the Web (such as a web site).当然对不同的场景可能有几个可选的(结果).

另一个metastep是query引擎描述语言的规范–基本上一个query集合的规范这个引擎能以一个普通的方式返回.This would open the door to agents chaining together searches and inference across many intermediate engines.

Digital Signature 数字签名







Indexes of terms 条款索引

现给出一个全球的语义网声明,当前的搜索引擎技术(1998)应用与HTML页面将可能转化到索引而不是单词.但其由RDF 对象(objects)组成.这将允许更加高效的web搜索好像它是一个巨大的数据库,而不是一个巨大的书.


Engines of the Future 未来的引擎

当搜索引擎索引HTML页面找到许多搜索答案并覆盖大部分的web网络,然后它会返回许多不适合的答案.这样的搜索结果是没有”准确性”可言的.形 成对比的,逻辑引擎典型特点是能够通过限制输出来确定哪个是可验证的正确答案,但遭受通过搜索大量纠缠的数据去构造有效的答案的低效.”组合爆炸式搜索” (combinatorial explosion)的可能性跟踪起来已经相当棘手.

然而,规模(scale)上,哪个搜索引擎已经成功可能促使我们去重新检查我们的设想.如果一个未来的引擎将一个推理引擎和一个搜索引擎结合.它可以给出 两者(两个世界)中的最好(结果),and actually be able to construct proofs in a certain number of cases of very real impact.它将延伸到索引(indexs),而索引包含一个给出条款的所有事件的完整列表(lists),然后使用逻辑排除无用的indexs,留下 可以用来解决给出的问题的部分.

因此,没有东西会使得”组合式爆炸”(combinatorial explosion)消失,许多现实生活中的问题能通过几步推理就能够在原始的web上解决,the rest of the reasoning being in a realm in which proofs are give,或者有一些约束(constrains)能很好地理解可计算的算法.我同样期望一些(string)商业的刺激来开发引擎和算法,这将有效地解 决具体类型的问题.这可能涉及到生成和今天的搜索引擎的索引(indexs)非常类似的中间结果缓存.


References 参考文献

The CYC Representation Language

Knowledge Interchange Format (KIF)
这个计划基于和W3C团队,W3C成员公司的商讨.同样感谢MIT/LCS(美国麻省理工学院计算机实验室)的 David Karger 和 Daniel Jackson.

自执行函数的学习_study self-invoking function

JavaScript 中的自执行函数让我感到很奇怪,因为对于一个在解析期间就自己进行执行的这样一个特性,我从程序原理的角度怎么也看不明白,为了搞个清楚这个问题花了不少 时间,最后问题如下:1.自执行函数是匿名函数吗?2.匿名函数与函数式编程的关系是什么?3.匿名函数与lampda表达式有什么联 系?4.JavaScript 函数式编程实现?


an anonymous function is a function (or a subroutine) defined, and possibly called, without being bound to an identifier.

Anonymous functions originate in the work of Alonzo Church in his invention of the lambda calculus in 1936 (prior to electronic computers), in which all functions are anonymous. The Y combinator can be utilised in these circumstances to provide anonymous recursion, which Church used to show that some mathematical questions are unsolvable by computation.
Anonymous functions have been a feature of programming languages since Lisp in 1958.
匿名函数是一个定义的函数(或子程序),可被调用,但不和一个标识符(引用)绑定。匿名函数起源于Alonzo Church在1936年研究的lambda 演算,在其中所有的函数都是匿名的.而Y组合子(高阶函数计算其他函数的不动点)可以利用匿名函数来进行匿名递归,Church用它来演示一些无法用计算 来解决的数学问题.


因为函数式编程 以λ演算为基础,但λ演算的函数可以接受函数当作输入(引数)和输出(传出值)。所以很必然的一个条件就是函数可以非常的随意,所以可以认为匿名函数的使用是函数式编程的必须条件。或者说没有匿名函数就没有函数式编程?

lampda演算是数学理论,wiki上已经讲了,所以三者的关系应该是 lampda -> 匿名函数 -> 函数式编程.
及运用匿名函数这个方式来将lampda 演算 进行编程语言的实现。

4.JavaScript 函数式编程实现?
JavaScript 是函数编程语言吗?不是。纯函数式编程语言没有变量的概念,一切都是函数和递归。javascript是动态语言,动态语言有函数式编程的特性。所以它可以实现lampda演算。所以自执行函数是js函数式编程的特征体现?
