The HTML5 Tags Example
This Page use all new html 5 tags
- <article>
- <aside>
- <audio>
- <bdi>
Aroma - 3 reviews
PURPLE PIZZA - 5 reviews
- <canvas>
- <command>
- <datalist>
- <details>
Copying "Really Achieving Your Childhood Dreams"
Copying... 25%
- Transfer rate:
- 452KB/s
- Local filename:
- /home/rpausch/raycd.m4v
- <embed>
- <figcaption>
Figcaption The figcaption element represents a caption or legend for the rest of the contents of the figcaption element's parent figure element
- <figure>
- <footer>
- <header>
- <hgroup>
The reality dysfunction
Space is not the only void
- <keygen>
- <mark>
Look around and you will find, no-one's really colour blind.
- <meter>
Tickets sold: - <nav>
- <output>
- <progress>
Progress: - <rp>
- <rt>
- <ruby>
- <section>
- <source>
- <summary>
This document teaches you everything you have to learn about HTML 5. - <time>
- - <track>
- <video>
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