javacript中构建对象的范式_Defining Classes and Objects in javacript

工厂范式 Factory paradigm

function showColor() {
function createCar(sColor, iDoors, iMpg) {
var oTempCar = new Object;
oTempCar.color = sColor;
oTempCar.doors = iDoors;
oTempCar.mpg = iMpg;
oTempCar.showColor = showColor;
return oTempCar;
var oCar1 = createCar(“red”, 4, 23);
var oCar2 = createCar(“blue”, 3, 25);
oCar1.showColor(); //outputs “red”
oCar2.showColor(); //outputs “blue”


构造器范式 Constructor paradigm

function Car(sColor, iDoors, iMpg) {
this.color = sColor;
this.doors = iDoors;
this.mpg = iMpg;
this.showColor = function () {
var oCar1 = new Car(“red”, 4, 23);
var oCar2 = new Car(“blue”, 3, 25);

When a constructor is called with the new operator, an object is created before the first line of the constructor is executed; that object is accessible (at that point) only by using this. It is then possible to assign properties directly to this that are returned as the function value by default (no need to explicitly use the return operator).


public class Car{
public Car(String sColor, String iDoors, String iMpg) {
this.color = sColor;
this.doors = iDoors;
this.mpg = iMpg;

原型范式 Prototype paradigm

function Car() {
Car.prototype.color = “red”;
Car.prototype.doors = 4;
Car.prototype.mpg = 23;
Car.prototype.showColor = function () {
var oCar1 = new Car();
var oCar2 = new Car();


混合构造器原型范式 Hybrid constructor/prototype paradigm

function Car(sColor, iDoors, iMpg) {
this.color = sColor;
this.doors = iDoors;
this.mpg = iMpg;
this.drivers = new Array(“Mike”, “Sue”);
Car.prototype.showColor = function () {
var oCar1 = new Car(“red”, 4, 23);
var oCar2 = new Car(“blue”, 3, 25);
alert(oCar1.drivers); //outputs “Mike,Sue,Matt”
alert(oCar2.drivers); //outputs “Mike,Sue”

All the nonfunction properties are defined in the constructor, meaning that once again it is possible to assign default values by passing arguments into the constructor. Only one instance of the showColor() function is being created, so there is no wasted memory.

动态原型范式 Dynamic prototype method

function Car(sColor, iDoors, iMpg) {
this.color = sColor;
this.doors = iDoors;
this.mpg = iMpg;
this.drivers = new Array(“Mike”, “Sue”);
if (typeof Car._initialized == “undefined”) {
Car.prototype.showColor = function () {
Car._initialized = true;


混合工厂模式 Hybrid factory paradigm

function Car() {
var oTempCar = new Object;
oTempCar.color = “red”;
oTempCar.doors = 4;
oTempCar.mpg = 23;
oTempCar.showColor = function () {
return oTempCar;

var car = new Car();